Lipoma - seriously increasing adipose tissue disease or blemishes?
Lipoma is not a disease or a syndrome or anthing like that; it is the name of a fatty swelling (tumor)in a specific part of the body, Every people, male or female, regardless of age can get the Lipoma-Tumor, which is not malginant. Most known types are Fibrolipoma or Angiolipoma. Most effect areas of the body are: Tights, upper arms, neck, shoulder and back. People which have from time to time stiffness in these areas or pain do not get this from the Lipoma itself, it comes because the Lipoma clamp nerve, muscle or tendons
My experience with lipomas from December 2006 .......
Since I am more at home in December was collapsed and severe pain and cramps, was 5 times I brought to the hospital. The doctors were in short them available time not able to determine the actual reason. Tablets with a high dose should bridge these periods. A problem occurred, when I was on a plane to Frankfurt / M at the end of January 07 and collapsed. A thorough investigation, swelling along the spinal column notes. Ultrasound tests showed lipomas, nerves, tendons - and Muscle strands were blocked whenever a shift of lipomas occurred.
Back in Australia were more Ultrasound tests confirmed this and there was only one possibility of the operation. In April, 3 lipomas removed. The scars healed, thanks Purem Emu Oil total. Today after 2 years of back free of any swelling. However, this is not the only lipomas in my body. On both upper arms and thighs were discovered lipomas, which had different sizes and also their formation were different. (See pictures from other operations 2007)
The largest lipomas in 40 operations with a much larger number of lipomas to June 2009 were 14 x 3.5 x 8 cm and 13 x 12 x 4 cm in size. Repeatedly due to a Natural Emu Oils remained scars residues to a minimum zurück.
Back in Australia were more Ultrasound tests confirmed this and there was only one possibility of the operation. In April, 3 lipomas removed. The scars healed, thanks Purem Emu Oil total. Today after 2 years of back free of any swelling. However, this is not the only lipomas in my body. On both upper arms and thighs were discovered lipomas, which had different sizes and also their formation were different. (See pictures from other operations 2007)
Despite many of my surgical experience, he learned about this at every operation, because there were always new insights and the healing processes were not always the same. Had time before the staples or threads have been removed, blood and liquid from the wound evacuated, times have been adjusted infection and swelling, which a re-admission to hospital was needed, until everything was over. Time, it is sufficient that a "drainage" in the wound was, which prevented complications. If I have today in diesm Lipoma forum like this to read that someone himself would like to remove them, or the dermatologist's practice, will I can only warn! Lipomas do not sit on the skin but is located under the skin tissue and this is just a surgical competence. Also, the lipomas varies. Some already have their own fabrics and are filled with blood, some sit so bad that the surgical nothing else left to cut through a nerve. When this happened to me in almost every operation and it takes a while to have the tendons, nerves and muscles were again overgrown. Often it is noted that the part of the body twitches and scribble. It is a good sign of healing
How can you locate lipomas?
Noticed a person that he / she referred to the swelling bodies found, one with the thumb back and forth press can be an ultra-sound tests are made. Here, the patient with clarity what the swelling is all about. Any size, width and depth and the local authority may very well be determined. This is important for the surgical! All other devices are useless and get nothing. With this result, the patient and his family doctor to discuss further steps. The patient should be in this conversation with the doctor when he has pain or whether any impairment in the sit, walk, etc. exist. By Ultrasound examination be false diagnoses and false treatments avoided, which unfortunately occurs. Here the impression of a cosmetic treatment to emerge, the patient should be clearly negative and the doctor to know. Medication is nothing to do here. Also massage (soft do) because there are no muscles, helps nothing. Depending on their location lipomas can relocate if they are pressed, then return them back into their position. How important for locating lipomas of the ultra sound device is important, I want to show here.
In January 2009 my left thigh was again tested by Ultrasound. The last operation on the thigh was almost three months back. It was again noted at the 2 parts of the femur new liquid fat evolved and a new Ansammelung already fat (Lipoma) has formed. The size was 46 mm in length with a diameter of 6 mm.
On 25 May 09 was another ultra sound test, since pain occurred. The result showed that in the mentioned area 2 lipomas have formed, whose size were as follows: 1) 6.3 x 2.5 x 0.6 cm 2) 5.3 x 3.5 x 0.7 cm.
Thus challenged, as it is alleged, lipomas grow slowly. Such an allegation can only be made if no lipomas and the development of regularly monitored. Such a process is not yet I have heard. This finding, however, requires it, if you about the "return" of lipomas speak. See also my note
On 25 May 09 was another ultra sound test, since pain occurred. The result showed that in the mentioned area 2 lipomas have formed, whose size were as follows: 1) 6.3 x 2.5 x 0.6 cm 2) 5.3 x 3.5 x 0.7 cm.
Thus challenged, as it is alleged, lipomas grow slowly. Such an allegation can only be made if no lipomas and the development of regularly monitored. Such a process is not yet I have heard. This finding, however, requires it, if you about the "return" of lipomas speak. See also my note
"New lipomas?"
Surgery and then .......
Once the staples or threads are removed, the patient should be the surgical wound care for themselves. I would advise any ointments as well as the very good JOHNSON cream is not used here because they are excellent for healing skin injury but will not in operation wounds. My best experience I have and because nothing will change - with Pure Emu Oil (not a product from the USA!) Done. Several times a day, the Emu Oil on and around the wound and apply leave. Fast shows off the scar that is smooth and the redness and loses more and more reduced. Emu Oil is also anti-inflammatory and thus heals the skin scar from the inside. Everything else closes the pores and prevents the penetration and healing. (Even if the manufacturer claims the opposite.)
I have to advise clearly that all my expierences with Lipoma could not be understand as a medical help or advise given and shouldnn't so be understood as such. I'm not a medical practioner or have any medical training. All blogs are based of my own experiences with Lipoma, with correspondences with medical practioners and with companies, who are working in this field.
Hope for an end
Over this whole period, came with me on issues that I could not answer. In several books I leave on the formation of the fat body, and came to a point in the talk of excess body fat production of the speech was. Also missing for me here a balance! But that gave me the answer yet, because I wanted to know why the body can this surplus will not seclude? I let the body acidity and learned that much of the fat impedes drainage. So I had two things to me even as a non-chemist made any sense and I researched further until I came to the minerals, the chemical process that should happen.
Now suppose I spent 2 minerals, and this will Experiement through for a while, along with regular ultra-sound tests, etc. After three months, then it should be somewhat apparent.
Now suppose I spent 2 minerals, and this will Experiement through for a while, along with regular ultra-sound tests, etc. After three months, then it should be somewhat apparent.
New lipomas?
So far, the evidence that lipomas grow again. I have this doubt arose and I hope I am right. At several points, for example, surgery on the back and on both upper arms are no lipomas more noticeable. Does it offer? Are there after several cuts all lipomas come out? If so, then perhaps the assumption that no lipomas grow but that the removal of the other but not all seen, detected and removed. Determines that confirmation would have been making some progress. I hope for myself and for everyone else, the reality of that experience and confirm the long term.
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