After 5 years of fighting against Lipoma-Tunors, the last 4 were operated on

Here is the proof. After every operation ultrasound tests were made to found out is that the case, and I can say it is not true!!
Over the last years I was told that in the areas of the upper arms, back and thighs no new Lipoma-Tumors could be found and if I would take off the last 4 reminding Lipoma-Tumors of the total of 50, than, I'm the winner!!!
As reported in previous blogs the story begun 2007 on the back, and no doctors were able to analyse the problem. Pain and stress, not only for me, but also for my family,too, because nobody were able to tell me where this is coming from. A collapse on the flight to Germany brought light in the darkness, when doctors in Frankfurt/M found a large swelling on my back. That was the begin of my Lipoma-Tumor time!.
Aware of that and the experiences I made that most of the doctors have any knowledge about Lipoma-Tumors, I started to learn about this problem. Anything what was mentioned about Lipoma-Tumors I read and tried anything, without success.
At this stage, I learnt that mostly after an operation was done, new Lipoma-Tumors would grow, but it was not mentioned, that this will happen only, when the surgeon is not working proper! After my second operation I could not confirm this knowledge, but my surgeon, the people of the labourity and I was aware that the structure and the skin tissue of the following Lipoma-Tumors changed more and more! The only answer of this was, that the mineral salts which I took from the beginning had effected my Lipoma-Tumors. Further ultrasound tests at this stage had shown that the number of Lipoma-Tumors which I had all together, had not increased.
I made my experiences that the problem of metabolic is the major key, and it would be the most major concern of all LIpoma-Tumor people. During my research, and tests of nearly all of products which mentioned to reduce LP, I made my own experiences that mineral salts are the possible factor to regulate this disorder. A combination of different mineral salts which I took plus a mixture of herb teas, confirmed the change. Once again over all 15 times I was in hospital for operations, we found the change in the Lipoma-Tumor and the reduction of number also.
Exact records when I started to learn and what each operation brought forward were made. Even the results of each ultrasound test were recorded, because these are official medical documents, and today, no further Lipoma-Tumors were found!!
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