Dienstag, 1. März 2016

New results in treatment of LT

Dear readers,
a long established member which had done several exercises to do anything against his big numbers of LT wrote to me  the last week, that he can report a success. After several years of taking a combination of mineral salts and drinking a recommend herbal tea he found by a new check up that he has no further new LT in his body.

 This small forum in German language which I maintain and its nearly 80 members can report that more then 10 % which followed my instructions could report so far the same development - sometimes quicker, sometimes  lower - but all the same reports, which are been all registered as evidence. This is the only forum about Lipoma-Tumors (LT) which can report such good news.
Now this member mentioned that he will now  go in the hospital and will get rid of old LTs.
He wrote that he is a little bid worry about his scares after the operations. I have told him, that he should not be to worry, as even for that, there is a perfect treatment waiting for him.

All reports and pictures in this blog are been copywright (c) 2016 No full or part can be taken out without any approval by the owner

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